Cranberries – Caneberries


i (12-ounce) purse of cranberries = 3 cups whole cranberries = 2 1/2 cups finely chopped cranberries.

Did you know:

The American Cranberry, along with the blueberry and Concord grape, is i of North America'south iii native fruits that are commercially grown.

The cranberry, scientifically know as "Vaccinium macrocarpon, is native to the swamps and bogs of northeastern Northward America," and is likewise the land berry of Massachusetts.

Cranberries got their name from the pilgrims, who chosen them caneberries because their long-necked pink blossoms resembled the heads of cranes.

In the early Colonial days, Ships carried barrels of cranberries on long voyages as a scurvy preventative for the crews.  Also, in the days of the great sailing ships, American cranberries were exported to Europe past just packing them in barrels and covering them with h2o whereby they would remain in good shape throughout the long sea voyage.

Wellness Benefits of Cranberries:

Cranberries and cranberry products contain pregnant amounts of antioxidants that may assist protect against heart illness, cancer and other diseases.  Cranberries may also be beneficial in the prevention of ulcers, which are linked to breadbasket cancer and acrid reflux disease

Purchasing and Storing Cranberries:

Fresh cranberries can be found in your supermarket produce section from September to December.

When ownership cranberries, they should announced well colored, plump, firm, and unbruised.  Place in a plastic pocketbook and refrigerate for up to 1 calendar month.

Soon before using, wash cranberries, pick through them and discard any that are hobbling or decomposable.

Cranberries will freeze beautifully. Wrap them in an airtight bag, squeeze out excess air, and they will keep for almost a year.  Do non defrost when adding them to a recipe.

Hints and Tips:

Add i teaspoon of butter to each pound of cranberries when cooking to eliminate cream and over boiling.

Cook cranberries just until they popular. Further cooking makes them taste bitter.

Check out my favorite cranberry recipes:

Cranberry Craven (low fatty, low calorie and low carb)
Herb vinegar give this chicken an unusual zing.

Cranberry Holiday Spread
This delicious vacation spread is very easy-to-make and is certain to please your family and friends.  Makes a groovy appetizer to certain earlier your large Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner.

Cranberry Relish
Ben Weller, my son-in-law, makes this wonderful family unit recipe for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner.  He uses the traditional method of grinding with an old hand-crank grinder.  His mother, Joan Weller, told me (in confidence) that you lot do not actually need to use a food grinder (you tin use a food processor).  It was her style of keeping her sons decorated and out of the way when she was fixing the holiday dinner.

Cranberry Salsa Dip with Foam Cheese
This fantastic recipe was shared with me by Carol Reich of Hillsboro, Oregon.  Carol won a Dip Contest on the Satellite Sisters Radio Show with this outstanding and likewise cute-to-wait-at recipe.

Cranberry Tartlets
This recipe is courtesy of Doreen Matthew of the Bay Creamery restaurant in Winchester Bay, Oregon.  Doreen says, "We make a very popular Cranberry Tartlet that nosotros serve with our breakfast meals.  Everyone loves them and we get requests all the time to 'make me a dozen of those cranberry thingys.'  We brand them in tartlet pans just the recipe will work very well in a mini- muffin pan.  We take also used small tart pans with removable bottoms.  Y'all get about 6 to a recipe with a 4 inch tart pan.  Simply remember to apply a spray or y'all will never go them out!"

Cranberries with Raspberry Vinaigrette
This traditional sauce is enhanced by raspberry vinegar. Very delicious!

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